Candle #19 1900K High Pressure Sodium |
Sunrise #24 2400K High Pressure Sodium |
Incandescent #28 2800K Incandescent |
Warm White #30 3000K Halogen |
Natural #35 3500K Warm Metal Halide |
Light Cool #42 4200K Clear Metal Halide |
Cool White #45 4500K Clear Metal Halide |
Day Light #55 5500K Daylight Metal Halide |
Ice White #65 6500K Actinic AKA Blue Light |
Snow White #71 7100K Actinic AKA Blue Light |
Bright White #83 8300K Actinic AKA Blue Light |
Note: The Kelvin temperatures visually depicted above are to be used as a reference guide only.
Green Note: National Cathode Corporation is proud that it is a closed -loop recycling manufacturerby its use of reclaimed mercury inside of our lead-free glass lamps.
Imeric Note:All lamps contain mercury. At the end of the lamp life, do not put in trash, recycle or dispose of as hazardous waste. Contact for instructions.
Pale Pink FWS | Pink PI | Coral CO | Orange OR | Raspberry RA | Ruby RU |
Purple PU | Deep violet DV | Vibrant Green VG | Apple Green AG | Green GR | Emerald EM |
Silver Blue SB | Blue BL | NCC Blue NB | Ocean OC | Cobalt CB | Turquoise TU |
Aqua AQ | Yellow YE | Pineapple PA | Gold GO |
Note: The Kelvin temperatures visually depicted above are to be used as a reference guide only.
Green Note: National Cathode Corporation is proud that it is a closed -loop recycling manufacturerby its use of reclaimed mercury inside of our lead-free glass lamps.
Imeric Note:All lamps contain mercury. At the end of the lamp life, do not put in trash, recycle or dispose of as hazardous waste. Contact for instructions.